TWIGA’s activity is the design, manufacture and marketing of high definition digital video systems. As such, it offers standardized and customized solutions to perfectly fit the needs of various applications.
Our areas of expertise include the capture and transmission of video signals as well as compression, recording and processing of images
The purely technical and industrial team is complemented by specialized engineers and technicians in the digital processing of video signals
These electronic modules are developed to meet the needs of unique applications or to be integrated in industrial OEM systems. Particularly well suited for demanding applications in medical fields, aerospace and military, these products will meet your high quality demands for sustainability
The component supply and electronic boards production is made in the European Union. TWIGA hopes to create a network of partners and performers in similar size and with similar values as ours.
We strive to keep our future development in this way. We guarantee high quality production and to contribute to the conservation of a local industrial fabric with our national partners in the EEC.
10 Av. de l'Europe
CEEI Théogone
Ramonville St-Agne